Here are some of ALIPAC's recent alerts & Releases
Friends of ALIPAC,
Many of you have asked us to change our secure donations page so you no longer have to enter your info twice.
Today, we are attempting to do that to make contributions to our national fight against illegal immigration and Amnesty more convenient.
We only have 48 hours left to raise the minimum of $980 remaining on our unpaid bills for our operations budget for May 2023. Your support pays for the labor, taxes, websites, phone lines, email features, postage, travel expenses, printing expenses, online advertising, and much more for us to work on your behalf.
Please help us fund our operations and TEST OUR NEW SECURE DONATIONS PAGE & FEATURES AT THIS LINK.
or you may still use our older page at...
Please reply to this email to let us know how your new donations experience goes and what you feel we should improve upon with our new donations page.
Our additional site at AmericansForLegalImmigration.com is still being built up and refined to provide us with a backup and additional features to complement our main site at ALIPAC.us.
Google refuses to recognize it indicating the bias there is still in full swing. Links in to this newer site are greatly appreciated.
Many of you have asked us to change our secure donations page so you no longer have to enter your info twice.
Today, we are attempting to do that to make contributions to our national fight against illegal immigration and Amnesty more convenient.
We only have 48 hours left to raise the minimum of $980 remaining on our unpaid bills for our operations budget for May 2023. Your support pays for the labor, taxes, websites, phone lines, email features, postage, travel expenses, printing expenses, online advertising, and much more for us to work on your behalf.
Please help us fund our operations and TEST OUR NEW SECURE DONATIONS PAGE & FEATURES AT THIS LINK.
or you may still use our older page at...
Please reply to this email to let us know how your new donations experience goes and what you feel we should improve upon with our new donations page.
Our additional site at AmericansForLegalImmigration.com is still being built up and refined to provide us with a backup and additional features to complement our main site at ALIPAC.us.
Google refuses to recognize it indicating the bias there is still in full swing. Links in to this newer site are greatly appreciated.
Biden McCarthy Secret Debt Deal Not Available To Public
Don't give failed government trillions more.
For National Release: Middle of the National Memorial Day Weekend 2023

Share & Discuss this on (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE)
-- (DC) Kevin McCarthy and Joe Biden are trying to kick the national debt can down past the 2024 elections with a secret deal, CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE TO THE PRESS & PUBLIC, that would raise the debt limit far above the current historic level of 32 Trillion, which already encumbers each US taxpayer with $250,000 of debt on average, according to the national debt clock (View).
Each infant born in America today has $95,000 of enslaving federal debt on their head at birth!
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is calling on Congress to refuse to vote on this deal until at least 72 hours, or better yet, at least a week past the time the text of the bill is available to US citizens, media, candidates, and lawmakers.
The Biden-McCarthy debt deal is currently a secret since no bill text is available for analysis, just comments from politicians in the know.
ALIPAC is cautioning citizen activists, DC lawmakers, and the press of the suspicious timing of the McCarthy-Biden deal announcement made on a Saturday evening in the middle of a national holiday weekend when most Americans are not paying attention to politicians.
While Democrat politicians running the Federal Reserve and US Treasury Department falsely claim America will default on debt payments by June 5, there is plenty of money that can be diverted to debt payments without a debt ceiling increase if Biden's Executive Branch stops spending to support the illegal proxy war in Ukraine and illegal taxpayer-funded importation of illegal immigrants. The US Federal government took in four trillion dollars last year, which is 25% more than the three trillion they took in the year before.
ALIPAC activists have been lobbying Republican members of Congress in DC to oppose any debt ceiling deal considerations until the Biden-Harris administration agrees to end open borders, catch and release, parole Amnesty, and taxpayer-funded importation for unprecedented numbers of illegal immigrants.
Raising the debt limit ceiling will simply give the Biden-Harris administration trillions in additional funding for them to violate their oaths of office and numerous existing federal immigration and border laws to the detriment of US citizens.
The Democrat-run Executive Branch, under Biden & Harris, is the biggest threat to Democracy in America 2023 because they have arbitrarily and capriciously nullified the outcome of all prior elections and legislation by Congress on immigration issues by refusing to honor or enforce laws they don't like personally.
For more information or to schedule interviews, please visit the world's largest archive of information on these topics at www.ALIPAC.us.
Don't give failed government trillions more.
For National Release: Middle of the National Memorial Day Weekend 2023

Share & Discuss this on (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE)
-- (DC) Kevin McCarthy and Joe Biden are trying to kick the national debt can down past the 2024 elections with a secret deal, CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE TO THE PRESS & PUBLIC, that would raise the debt limit far above the current historic level of 32 Trillion, which already encumbers each US taxpayer with $250,000 of debt on average, according to the national debt clock (View).
Each infant born in America today has $95,000 of enslaving federal debt on their head at birth!
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is calling on Congress to refuse to vote on this deal until at least 72 hours, or better yet, at least a week past the time the text of the bill is available to US citizens, media, candidates, and lawmakers.
The Biden-McCarthy debt deal is currently a secret since no bill text is available for analysis, just comments from politicians in the know.
ALIPAC is cautioning citizen activists, DC lawmakers, and the press of the suspicious timing of the McCarthy-Biden deal announcement made on a Saturday evening in the middle of a national holiday weekend when most Americans are not paying attention to politicians.
While Democrat politicians running the Federal Reserve and US Treasury Department falsely claim America will default on debt payments by June 5, there is plenty of money that can be diverted to debt payments without a debt ceiling increase if Biden's Executive Branch stops spending to support the illegal proxy war in Ukraine and illegal taxpayer-funded importation of illegal immigrants. The US Federal government took in four trillion dollars last year, which is 25% more than the three trillion they took in the year before.
"I don't think any American should trust an agreement announced between Amnesty supporting GOP Speaker Kevin McCarthy and our corrupt President Joe Biden on a Saturday evening in the middle of a holiday weekend with no text of the deal available to the public. You can bet that's a rotten deal they hope people won't have time to dig in on or understand. It's past time for our government to live within its means as the rest of us must do," said William Gheen, spokesperson for Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC.us)
ALIPAC activists have been lobbying Republican members of Congress in DC to oppose any debt ceiling deal considerations until the Biden-Harris administration agrees to end open borders, catch and release, parole Amnesty, and taxpayer-funded importation for unprecedented numbers of illegal immigrants.
Raising the debt limit ceiling will simply give the Biden-Harris administration trillions in additional funding for them to violate their oaths of office and numerous existing federal immigration and border laws to the detriment of US citizens.
The Democrat-run Executive Branch, under Biden & Harris, is the biggest threat to Democracy in America 2023 because they have arbitrarily and capriciously nullified the outcome of all prior elections and legislation by Congress on immigration issues by refusing to honor or enforce laws they don't like personally.
For more information or to schedule interviews, please visit the world's largest archive of information on these topics at www.ALIPAC.us.
Friends of ALIPAC,
We are pleased to report that Congress has left DC for the Memorial Day weekend break without raising the debt ceiling and giving corrupt politicians more money to spend on illegal aliens.
We want to thank each of you who took the time to call offices in DC with us, sponsor our trip to lobby in DC, and share our releases and online messages in this fight.
This is good news for our cause, and the other good news is we now have many more contacts in GOP offices in DC to share info and strategies with.
The bad news is we still must raise $1,800 in the final 6 days of May to meet our minimum operations budget costs.
If you support our national efforts against the Biden-Harris taxpayer-funded importation of unprecedented numbers of illegal aliens, please help us with a donation of $10, $25, $50, or $100+ via our secure link at...
Thank you for the support!
William Gheen and The ALIPAC.us Team
We are pleased to report that Congress has left DC for the Memorial Day weekend break without raising the debt ceiling and giving corrupt politicians more money to spend on illegal aliens.
We want to thank each of you who took the time to call offices in DC with us, sponsor our trip to lobby in DC, and share our releases and online messages in this fight.
This is good news for our cause, and the other good news is we now have many more contacts in GOP offices in DC to share info and strategies with.
The bad news is we still must raise $1,800 in the final 6 days of May to meet our minimum operations budget costs.
If you support our national efforts against the Biden-Harris taxpayer-funded importation of unprecedented numbers of illegal aliens, please help us with a donation of $10, $25, $50, or $100+ via our secure link at...
Thank you for the support!
William Gheen and The ALIPAC.us Team
Share & Discuss this accurate political cartoon (some of you may need to enable images to see it) by email and on (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE)
Congress is considering raising the debt ceiling beyond the current obsene 32 trillion to give more money to Biden Harris to further wreck America!
Don't believe the Democrat hype about turning off food stamps & social security checks, as that would not happen until 2024, nor never depending on how the money is handled.
You can help us today by calling every GOP lawmaker you can (Contact Info Here) to say...
"Shut Down the Biden Harris failed government! Demand Democrats stop the invasion before any debt deal."
And you can share the political cartoon at the top of this email alert that says it all with ease by email and social media using the links we provide.
Special thanks to our ALIPAC supporters who are backing our renewed efforts on Twitter. Here is a video we spotted and shared this morning of an interview with an illegal alien invader who says "F (Bleep) the people of the US"
VIDEO: Interview with illegal alien: "F the people of the United States"
You can also see on our Twitter account that the illegal alien who rammed the White House barricades while sporting a nazi flag with a swastika on it has had his charges reduced. Please join, monitor, and share our content at...
Please visit ALIPAC.us often and post there, too to stay informed.
Leave a lasting comment and share by email and social media at https://www.alipac.us/f8/illegals-gi...plants-409196/
While ALIPAC was in DC this week lobbying on your behalf against the Biden-Harris open borders and invasion, many of the New York Republican lawmaker's staff were getting an earful about claims and a New York Post report that US military veterans and wedding parties being kicked out of NYC hotels to make room for "migrants". (SOURCE 1 HERE) (Source 2 Wedding Party)
Of course, these rooms for illegal aliens are being paid for by YOUR US taxpayers and government monies channeled through NGOs.
And now we learn that Democrat state legislators in New York are reviewing state bills that would have life-saving organ donation transplants rewarded to illegal aliens ahead of thousands of waiting Americans! (Source HERE)
This email alert paid for by
PO Box 30966,
Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009
FEC ID: C00405878
Three targeted calls to numbers below to say, "Our national organization (ALIPAC) would like Rep. Graves to tell the criminal Biden-Harris administration that there will be no consideration of a debt limit increase until they stop ordering federal employees to commit mass felonies each day by importing, transporting, feeding, medicating, and housing illegal aliens at taxpayer expense each day in direct violation of the US Constitution and numerous existing federal laws!"
Special thanks to each of you who made this week's DC visit possible and have helped with calls!
Special warnings:
1. ALIPAC spotted several LARGE teams of well-dressed, rested, and fully funded "migrants rights" lobby groups working for the illegals and against you in the halls of Congress. Remember, when we ask you for donations and volunteer efforts, the illegal immigration supporters are talking to lawmakers every day, and they have us out-funded, outclassed, and outnumbered! DC offices also tell us they are receiving calls in support of raising the debt limit without any concessions.
2. Here are the three offices that need to hear from you the most today through next week! These three GOP offices are on the Republican negotiations team with Biden's people and are most likely to cave to the Democrats. As you can read (HERE), they are not including the border crisis in their current demands.
"I'm calling to tell Speaker/Rep _____ to refuse to negotiate with the criminal Biden-Harris administration on any possible debt limit increase until they agree to end their orders for federal employees to commit felonies by importing and transporting and lodging illegal aliens at taxpayer expense!"
Speaker Kevin McCarthy
2468 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515Phone: (202) 225-2915
Fax: (202) 225-2908
Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC)
2134 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2576
Rep. Garrett Graves (R-LA)
2402 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515Phone: (202) 225-3901
Fax: (202) 225-7313
This activism alert PAID FOR by
PO Box 30966,
Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009
FEC ID: C00405878
Special thanks to each of you who made this week's DC visit possible and have helped with calls!
Special warnings:
1. ALIPAC spotted several LARGE teams of well-dressed, rested, and fully funded "migrants rights" lobby groups working for the illegals and against you in the halls of Congress. Remember, when we ask you for donations and volunteer efforts, the illegal immigration supporters are talking to lawmakers every day, and they have us out-funded, outclassed, and outnumbered! DC offices also tell us they are receiving calls in support of raising the debt limit without any concessions.
2. Here are the three offices that need to hear from you the most today through next week! These three GOP offices are on the Republican negotiations team with Biden's people and are most likely to cave to the Democrats. As you can read (HERE), they are not including the border crisis in their current demands.
"I'm calling to tell Speaker/Rep _____ to refuse to negotiate with the criminal Biden-Harris administration on any possible debt limit increase until they agree to end their orders for federal employees to commit felonies by importing and transporting and lodging illegal aliens at taxpayer expense!"
Speaker Kevin McCarthy
2468 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515Phone: (202) 225-2915
Fax: (202) 225-2908
Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC)
2134 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2576
Rep. Garrett Graves (R-LA)
2402 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515Phone: (202) 225-3901
Fax: (202) 225-7313
This activism alert PAID FOR by
PO Box 30966,
Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009
FEC ID: C00405878
We need a final strong push for the week early Thursday and into Thursday, May 18 afternoon to have more polite and educational conversations with the staffers at the 222 GOP lawmaker offices in the US House.
They need to know there is public support to "Turn Off The Money" for the abusive efforts, agencies, and employees of Biden - Harris! No, this does not mean a government shutdown will harm your social security retirement checks.
Thanks to your efforts, over 1,200 people have viewed or reviewed our open letter to Congress at...
Please make as many calls and leave as many messages as you can today saying...
Contact Numbers for Congress
Please make as many calls as you can, share this call to action with others, and fight back America!
PS: Everything in DC is very expensive. Doing our best to save funds but we need more help for the office to office lobbying by ALIPAC in DC. If you can help us with our expenses, please chip in at...
They need to know there is public support to "Turn Off The Money" for the abusive efforts, agencies, and employees of Biden - Harris! No, this does not mean a government shutdown will harm your social security retirement checks.
Thanks to your efforts, over 1,200 people have viewed or reviewed our open letter to Congress at...
Please make as many calls and leave as many messages as you can today saying...
"Congress should turn off the money to Biden-Harris's criminal taxpayer-funded importation of millions of illegal alien invaders expected to vote Democrat in US elections! No debt limit increase. Stop open-borders, catch and release, parole Amnesty and Border Patrol escorts and assistance for illegals."
Contact Numbers for Congress
Please make as many calls as you can, share this call to action with others, and fight back America!
PS: Everything in DC is very expensive. Doing our best to save funds but we need more help for the office to office lobbying by ALIPAC in DC. If you can help us with our expenses, please chip in at...
Shut Down Our Government To Shut Down Our Borders
No Debt Limit Increase!
An Open Letter to Congress From ALIPAC
May 2023
Let the government shut down and learn to live within its means unless Biden-Harris relent on open borders!
Illegal immigration into America will slow if Congress cuts off federal taxpayer funds for the Biden-Harris illegal border and immigration policies that are creating and facilitating the largest influx of illegal immigration in the US and possibly world history.
Biden's agency-driven illegal policies violate the US Constitution and numerous existing federal laws by ordering our US Border Patrol and DHS to import illegal aliens and provide illegal immigrants with cell phones, job access, clothing, food, healthcare, education, bus and plane tickets, and lodging at taxpayer expense! These unlawful actions are often felonies being committed by federal employees and, in the eyes of many Americans, are acts of Treason. Illegals & non-citizens have been documented registering and voting illegally in many states! (73 documented examples available upon request)
We want GOP members of Congress to join and support the Border Security Caucus and to demand the following concessions from the Biden-Harris administration before any debt limit increase will be considered.
1. Stop all taxpayer-funded incentives and importation of illegal immigrants in violation of the US Constitution and numerous existing immigration laws.
2. Stop catch and release and "parole" Amnesty policies for illegals.
3. Order Border Patrol to stop, repel, incarcerate, and return all illegal immigrants attempting to cross our borders.
4. Insist the US Senate pass and Biden sign into law and fully implement H.R.2 Secure the Border Act of 2023
Congress should also consider impeaching both Biden and Harris and establishing direct control of, abolishing, defunding, or prosecuting any federal employees and agencies that are currently violating the US Constitution, existing laws, and Bill of Rights to threaten the lives, liberties, and the pursuit of happiness by US Citizens.
PO Box 30966,
Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009
FEC ID: C00405878 / [email protected]
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC.us) is America's third-largest grassroots organization fighting against illegal immigration and any form of Amnesty for illegals. ALIPAC has appeared on or been cited by every major news outlet in America since 2004.
ALIPAC currently endorses and supports 46 GOP members of Congress and builds and manages the world's largest archive of information about illegal immigration in America at ALIPAC.us, which the US Library of Congress archives.
No Debt Limit Increase!
An Open Letter to Congress From ALIPAC
May 2023
Let the government shut down and learn to live within its means unless Biden-Harris relent on open borders!
Illegal immigration into America will slow if Congress cuts off federal taxpayer funds for the Biden-Harris illegal border and immigration policies that are creating and facilitating the largest influx of illegal immigration in the US and possibly world history.
Biden's agency-driven illegal policies violate the US Constitution and numerous existing federal laws by ordering our US Border Patrol and DHS to import illegal aliens and provide illegal immigrants with cell phones, job access, clothing, food, healthcare, education, bus and plane tickets, and lodging at taxpayer expense! These unlawful actions are often felonies being committed by federal employees and, in the eyes of many Americans, are acts of Treason. Illegals & non-citizens have been documented registering and voting illegally in many states! (73 documented examples available upon request)
We want GOP members of Congress to join and support the Border Security Caucus and to demand the following concessions from the Biden-Harris administration before any debt limit increase will be considered.
1. Stop all taxpayer-funded incentives and importation of illegal immigrants in violation of the US Constitution and numerous existing immigration laws.
2. Stop catch and release and "parole" Amnesty policies for illegals.
3. Order Border Patrol to stop, repel, incarcerate, and return all illegal immigrants attempting to cross our borders.
4. Insist the US Senate pass and Biden sign into law and fully implement H.R.2 Secure the Border Act of 2023
Congress should also consider impeaching both Biden and Harris and establishing direct control of, abolishing, defunding, or prosecuting any federal employees and agencies that are currently violating the US Constitution, existing laws, and Bill of Rights to threaten the lives, liberties, and the pursuit of happiness by US Citizens.
PO Box 30966,
Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009
FEC ID: C00405878 / [email protected]
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC.us) is America's third-largest grassroots organization fighting against illegal immigration and any form of Amnesty for illegals. ALIPAC has appeared on or been cited by every major news outlet in America since 2004.
ALIPAC currently endorses and supports 46 GOP members of Congress and builds and manages the world's largest archive of information about illegal immigration in America at ALIPAC.us, which the US Library of Congress archives.
ALIPAC's ground, phone, and social media lobbying effort to Shut Down Our Government to Shut Down Our Borders will commence this Tuesday morning, May 16, at 8 am Eastern when lawmakers and staff report for duty in DC. Some lawmakers are already sounding the call on our strategy to force Biden-Harris to end open borders, parole Amnesty, and taxpayer funded importation of illegals. (View)
For our best chance of success, we need thousands of volunteers calling as many DC House offices as possible all day Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday morning till noon ET! Sample messages and call lists will be provided via website posting, social media postings, and emailed alerts like this)
We will also need as many of you as possible sharing our social media posts and updates which may include live video feeds from our lobbying team on the ground inside the Capital buildings.
While the illegals are being transported in, fed, housed, clothed, and given cell phones at taxpayer expense, Americans trying to get married in places like NYC are being thrown out of their reservations to make room for the invaders. (Read Details HERE: Hotel set to take NYC migrants abruptly cancels 30 rooms soon-to-be newlyweds booked for their guests)
We do not have enough money for transportation, meals, lodging, and printing needs for our DC trip, but since this is a last-ditch effort to save the nation and all the American lives from being destroyed by this next knock-out invasion wave, I will be paying out of pocket for much of this low-budget trip.
If you can help cover some of the costs, please chip in at...
William Gheen
PO Box 30966,
Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009
FEC ID: C00405878
For our best chance of success, we need thousands of volunteers calling as many DC House offices as possible all day Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday morning till noon ET! Sample messages and call lists will be provided via website posting, social media postings, and emailed alerts like this)
We will also need as many of you as possible sharing our social media posts and updates which may include live video feeds from our lobbying team on the ground inside the Capital buildings.
While the illegals are being transported in, fed, housed, clothed, and given cell phones at taxpayer expense, Americans trying to get married in places like NYC are being thrown out of their reservations to make room for the invaders. (Read Details HERE: Hotel set to take NYC migrants abruptly cancels 30 rooms soon-to-be newlyweds booked for their guests)
We do not have enough money for transportation, meals, lodging, and printing needs for our DC trip, but since this is a last-ditch effort to save the nation and all the American lives from being destroyed by this next knock-out invasion wave, I will be paying out of pocket for much of this low-budget trip.
If you can help cover some of the costs, please chip in at...
William Gheen
PO Box 30966,
Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009
FEC ID: C00405878
Please watch, comment on, like, and circulate these videos to help other Americans understand that Biden-Harris are importing millions of illegals at taxpayer expense, and illegal immigration will slow down if our government is shut down due to a refusal to provide more debt funds.
Please support our effort to send activists into DC lawmaker offices this coming week (CONTRIBUTE HERE) to deliver our message to use the Power of The Purse to shut down the borders like ALIPAC endorsed Rep. Chip Roy and Laura Ingraham on Fox News discuss in this top video.
ALIPAC's Strategy Just Broke Nationwide on Fox News!
Chip Roy: These are impeachable offenses: Congress must use the power of the purse to secure the borders. No debt limit increase until Biden-Harris stop importing illegals! (ALIPAC Strategy Seen on Fox)
Illegal Migrants are being given cell phones and released into US
Angel families, including Agnes Gibboney, speak out following Title 42 expiration
Watching and sharing these videos is free and easy and supports our mission to Shut Down Our Government to Shut Down the Borders.
Please support our effort to send activists into DC lawmaker offices this coming week (CONTRIBUTE HERE) to deliver our message to use the Power of The Purse to shut down the borders like ALIPAC endorsed Rep. Chip Roy and Laura Ingraham on Fox News discuss in this top video.
ALIPAC's Strategy Just Broke Nationwide on Fox News!
Chip Roy: These are impeachable offenses: Congress must use the power of the purse to secure the borders. No debt limit increase until Biden-Harris stop importing illegals! (ALIPAC Strategy Seen on Fox)
Illegal Migrants are being given cell phones and released into US
Angel families, including Agnes Gibboney, speak out following Title 42 expiration
Watching and sharing these videos is free and easy and supports our mission to Shut Down Our Government to Shut Down the Borders.
Special thanks to each of you who made calls and took online activism steps to support the successful passage of the Secure The Borders Act of 2023, which passed the US Congress yesterday!
We now move our attention to the US Senate, where it faces a more formidable challenge and is under a veto threat from Biden.
ALIPAC's call to "Shut Down Our Government To Shut Down The Borders" is being well received by activists who understand this situation, and next week, ALIPAC is going to DC on a shoestring budget to carry our message to lawmakers that Congress should refuse to raise the debt limit until Biden-Harris end their illegal and unConstitutional border and immigration policies such as Open-Borders, Catch & Release, taxpayer-funded importation of illegals, and "parole" Amnesty for illegals."
We are calling for volunteers to join us in DC next week, and you can help from home.
If you are willing to help us fund this DC lobbying effort, please contribute $10, $25, $50, $100, or more via our secure donations page at...
We now move our attention to the US Senate, where it faces a more formidable challenge and is under a veto threat from Biden.
ALIPAC's call to "Shut Down Our Government To Shut Down The Borders" is being well received by activists who understand this situation, and next week, ALIPAC is going to DC on a shoestring budget to carry our message to lawmakers that Congress should refuse to raise the debt limit until Biden-Harris end their illegal and unConstitutional border and immigration policies such as Open-Borders, Catch & Release, taxpayer-funded importation of illegals, and "parole" Amnesty for illegals."
We are calling for volunteers to join us in DC next week, and you can help from home.
If you are willing to help us fund this DC lobbying effort, please contribute $10, $25, $50, $100, or more via our secure donations page at...
Discuss & share this alert via email and on (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE)
Many thanks to those of you calling GOP lawmakers in the US House to deliver our strategy message GOP Should Use Debt Limit To Stop Biden-Harris Border Invasion.
We announced last night on the Jeff Rense Program that ALIPAC's William Gheen is going to DC next week to deliver our message "Shut Down Our Government to Shut Down Our Borders" in person. Please consider supporting this trip with calls from home and donations at https://www.alipac.us/donations/
We have now condensed our message, and we want you to call every GOP lawmakers office in Congress. Contact Info Here
To say...
"No more enslaving debt increases. No more money increases for our renegade government.
Shut down our government to shut down our borders!"
Remember that the Biden-Harris regime is violating our existing laws and their oaths of office to use taxpayer funds to escort illegal alien invaders over our borders and into the interior of the US. You are paying for the Border Patrol to assist with their illegal entry, bus tickets, plane tickets, food, and lodging in four-star hotels in Democrat-controlled cities!
While we generally support the Border Security Act of 2023, why would new laws do anything to help when Biden-Harris are ignoring so many of our existing laws to conduct this invasion?
Please deliver our message loud and strong to DC!
William Gheen and the ALIPAC.us Volunteer Team
GOP Should Use Debt Limit To Stop Biden-Harris Border Invasion
Shut Down This Failed Government!
Share this release & call to activism by email and on (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE)

Call GOP members of Congress now to say "refuse to raise the debt limit & let the government shut down until the Biden-Harris administration stops open borders, taxpayer transport, catch & release, & parole for illegal alien invaders!"
Contact Info
For National Release: May 10, 2023
-- Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC.us) is advising the nation that illegal immigration into America would actually slow down if the federal government shut down or the US Border Patrol and Troops ordered by the Biden-Harris administration to help import illegal immigrants stood down.
With illegal immigration numbers already at historic and unprecedented high levels, the taxpayer-funded illegal immigration invasion of America is expected to increase by many factors on Thursday when the meager Title 42 expires, and Congress scrambles to pass a symbolic but futile Border Security Act of 2023.
While ALIPAC supports the Border Security Act of 2023 Congress may vote on this week, the national organization believes it will be undermined by Biden and does not go far enough to address the current dire politician-sponsored, illegal, and unConstitutional invasion of America that's costing vast numbers of Americans their security, jobs, communities, taxpayer resources, lives, and futures.
"The politicians and government employees importing illegal aliens into America at taxpayer expense are breaking numerous federal laws, violating their oaths to the Constitution, and committing a form of Treason," said William Gheen, spokesman for ALIPAC. "We call on GOP members of Congress to refuse to raise the debt limit and endure a government shutdown until the Biden-Harris administration agrees to cease their illegal parole, open-borders, and catch and release policies for illegal alien invaders who are expected to vote for Democrats in 2024."
It would only take ten members of Congress to refuse to raise the debt limit to more outrageous and unpayable levels to bring the DC-based betrayals to a halt and stop payments for illegal alien night flights, van rides, Border Patrol escorts, and bus tickets into the US interior.
ALIPAC believes that a supermajority of Americans of all races and walks of life would support GOP lawmakers brave enough to tie debt limit negotiations with the Biden-Harris administration with secure borders and that this tactic would have a more significant impact than passing new legislation that Biden will either veto or ignore if passed into law.
ALIPAC has little confidence that legislation supported by notorious pro-Amnesty GOP RINOS like Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, who is on the Cantor List, would have any real benefit for Americans suffering the many problems caused by illegal immigration.
For more information about ALIPAC's eighteen-year struggle against illegal immigration and Amnesty or to schedule interviews, please visit www.ALIPAC.us.
Shut Down This Failed Government!
Share this release & call to activism by email and on (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE)
Call GOP members of Congress now to say "refuse to raise the debt limit & let the government shut down until the Biden-Harris administration stops open borders, taxpayer transport, catch & release, & parole for illegal alien invaders!"
Contact Info
For National Release: May 10, 2023
-- Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC.us) is advising the nation that illegal immigration into America would actually slow down if the federal government shut down or the US Border Patrol and Troops ordered by the Biden-Harris administration to help import illegal immigrants stood down.
With illegal immigration numbers already at historic and unprecedented high levels, the taxpayer-funded illegal immigration invasion of America is expected to increase by many factors on Thursday when the meager Title 42 expires, and Congress scrambles to pass a symbolic but futile Border Security Act of 2023.
While ALIPAC supports the Border Security Act of 2023 Congress may vote on this week, the national organization believes it will be undermined by Biden and does not go far enough to address the current dire politician-sponsored, illegal, and unConstitutional invasion of America that's costing vast numbers of Americans their security, jobs, communities, taxpayer resources, lives, and futures.
"The politicians and government employees importing illegal aliens into America at taxpayer expense are breaking numerous federal laws, violating their oaths to the Constitution, and committing a form of Treason," said William Gheen, spokesman for ALIPAC. "We call on GOP members of Congress to refuse to raise the debt limit and endure a government shutdown until the Biden-Harris administration agrees to cease their illegal parole, open-borders, and catch and release policies for illegal alien invaders who are expected to vote for Democrats in 2024."
It would only take ten members of Congress to refuse to raise the debt limit to more outrageous and unpayable levels to bring the DC-based betrayals to a halt and stop payments for illegal alien night flights, van rides, Border Patrol escorts, and bus tickets into the US interior.
ALIPAC believes that a supermajority of Americans of all races and walks of life would support GOP lawmakers brave enough to tie debt limit negotiations with the Biden-Harris administration with secure borders and that this tactic would have a more significant impact than passing new legislation that Biden will either veto or ignore if passed into law.
ALIPAC has little confidence that legislation supported by notorious pro-Amnesty GOP RINOS like Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, who is on the Cantor List, would have any real benefit for Americans suffering the many problems caused by illegal immigration.
For more information about ALIPAC's eighteen-year struggle against illegal immigration and Amnesty or to schedule interviews, please visit www.ALIPAC.us.
This week Biden-Harris order US troops & Border Patrol to bring in millions more illegal alien invaders at taxpayer expense!
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This week Title 42 ends, and the Biden-Harris administration will use that as an excuse to dial up the historic and unprecedented levels of illegal immigration into America upward by several factors!
Congress has not changed our laws which makes the current actions of the US Executive Branch, DHS, and US Border Patrol illegal and unconstitutional. They are committing multiple felonies for each illegal they entice to enter and remain in the US, give a job to, and transport over state lines.
Under our current laws, illegal aliens are to be stopped and refused entry at our borders, and there is no factual basis in law for the fantastical loophole they are claiming allows this. To help drive home these points, ALIPAC will ask our activists to support the new Secure the Border Act in Congress to help us map which Republicans are RINOs.
US Troops are being sent to the border, and deals are being made with Mexico to increase the level of official cooperation with the drug and illegal alien-importing cartels to bring in more illegals with less visibility to US citizens who oppose all of this.
US Taxpayers will be footing most of the bill to transport and house these illegal alien invaders, including $300 per night four-star hotel rooms.
This is the Biden-Harris knockout blow to Americans!
Please give us much time and attention as possible this week as we do all we can to fight back!
William Gheen
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
We have good and bad news to report.
The good news is that escaped illegal alien murder suspect Alder Marin-Sotelo was captured in Mexico yesterday, and we get our vote in Congress on border security bills next week!
We don't know if Mexico will extradite him to the US yet since Marin-Sotelo could face the death penalty.
We will need as many of you as possible to help us mount lobbying calls to support the bills that our combined election victories are making possible in Congress.
The bad news is we now have video of the slew of taxpayer-funded buses bringing illegals into America as part of the Biden-Harris smuggling operation. You can view and share on Twitter here...
Video: Invasion Buses Rolling
And we have this Fox News video report from Chicago showing the hotel you are being forced to pay $300 per night bills for illegal alien invaders.
Video: 'ALARMING': Shocking video shows migrant hotel refuse Chicago reporter entry
Please comment and share far and wide on these because most Americans and Chicago residents even don't know.
Special thanks to those of you making our national fight against the wrongful and negative impacts of illegal immigration possible by posting materials in our forums at ALIPAC.us and funding our operations at...
The good news is that escaped illegal alien murder suspect Alder Marin-Sotelo was captured in Mexico yesterday, and we get our vote in Congress on border security bills next week!
We don't know if Mexico will extradite him to the US yet since Marin-Sotelo could face the death penalty.
We will need as many of you as possible to help us mount lobbying calls to support the bills that our combined election victories are making possible in Congress.
The bad news is we now have video of the slew of taxpayer-funded buses bringing illegals into America as part of the Biden-Harris smuggling operation. You can view and share on Twitter here...
Video: Invasion Buses Rolling
And we have this Fox News video report from Chicago showing the hotel you are being forced to pay $300 per night bills for illegal alien invaders.
Video: 'ALARMING': Shocking video shows migrant hotel refuse Chicago reporter entry
Please comment and share far and wide on these because most Americans and Chicago residents even don't know.
Special thanks to those of you making our national fight against the wrongful and negative impacts of illegal immigration possible by posting materials in our forums at ALIPAC.us and funding our operations at...